Masthead SMUD

Natural Gas Distribution System Activity

Can you name all the parts of the natural gas distribution system? Print this page and write the name of each part next to the number it matches in the illustration. (The words below are not in order.) Natural Gas Distribution System

Utility Well 1. _________________ 6. _________________
Distribution Mains Processing Plant 2. _________________ 7. _________________
Transmission Pipes Appliance 3. _________________ 8. _________________
Compressor Station Storage Tanks 4. _________________ 9. _________________
Service Lines Service Lines 5. _________________ 10. _________________

Answer Key: 1-Well; 2-Processing Plant; 3-Transmission Pipes; 4-Compressor Station; 5-Storage Tanks; 6-Utility; 7-Distribution Mains; 8-Service Lines; 9-Gas Meter; 10-Appliance.

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